AHA/ACCF/HRS Scientific Statement: Recommendations for the Standardization and Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram: Part II: Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List | Heart Rhythm Society

AHA/ACCF/HRS Scientific Statement: Recommendations for the Standardization and Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram: Part II: Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List

February 1, 2007—This is the second of six articles designed to upgrade the guidelines for the standardization and interpretation of the ECG. This statement provides a concise list of diagnostic terms for ECG interpretation that can be shared by students, teachers, and readers of electrocardiography. An intended outcome of this statement list is greater uniformity of ECG diagnosis and a resultant improvement in patient care. The lexicon includes primary diagnostic statements, secondary diagnostic statements, modifiers, and statements for the comparison of ECGs. This diagnostic lexicon should be reviewed and updated periodically.


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