Membership is open to physicians, scientists, allied health professionals, and affiliated professionals whose careers demonstrate a commitment to EP and/or pacing.
Physicians or physician-scientists with an earned academic degree (MD or equivalent). Specialty Board Certification is encouraged. Trainee members must be enrolled in an approved training program.
Trainee membership is free to physicians who have completed medical school and are in training programs as interns, residents or fellows, and scientists who are involved in postgraduate training or research.
Allied Health Professional membership is for those who are not physicians and are actively involved with the technical aspect of pacemakers/ICDs, or the performance of electrophysiologic techniques, and who are employed by a clinical practice setting, academic institution or equivalent.
Scientist membership is for those who have advanced academic science or engineering degrees which reflect scientific training. Examples include those with Master’s, PhD or Eng SCD degrees (or equivalent) who hold faculty positions in academia or research positions with industry employers.
Working in the field of EP but not actively engaged in patient care or research? Learn how HRS can offer you the resources that will increase your access to the EP community, stay up to date, and elevate your profession.
Fellowship in the Heart Rhythm Society (FHRS) will help to distinguish you among health care providers and researchers for your advanced training, certification, and commitment to the field of electrophysiology.
HRS offers special membership rates for those who live in countries that are classified as low or lower-middle income by the World Bank. New applicants receive free membership during their first year. After the first year, the discounts are 50% off of the international rates.
Reserved for individuals who have been HRS members for 15 or more years (at least five of which were successive), have reached the age of 65, and have fully retired from active practice. The dues for this membership category are $100 per year.
A thriving membership is key to the success of the Society and peer-to-peer recruitment is the most effective means of growing membership. Tell your colleagues about the benefits of membership and encourage them to join the Society today!